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Samsung Galaxy S3 launch fails to attract iPhone-like crowds

Written By samizares on Thursday, May 31, 2012 | Thursday, May 31, 2012

Samsung launched its Galaxy S3 handset at its Westfield Stratford store on Tuesday evening, but the firm failed to match rival Apple in the launch event sweepstakes. V3 was in attendance at the S3 launch event, where Samsung's crowd fell short of the standard of Apple, which saw thousands gather outside stores for the launch of the iPhone 4S. 

Busy staff at Samsung's flagship store were unable to provide exact numbers, but we'd say there were around 300 to 400 Galaxy S3 buyers patiently queuing. A Samsung staffer did tell us, however, that the queue started to form at 2pm - just three hours before the Galaxy S III went on sale. In contrast, the first iPhone 4S buyers started queueing two weeks ahead of the smartphone's launch. 

It's good there weren't people camping outside the Samsung store for days on end though, as we witnessed the shop turning away those who had pre-ordered the blue Galaxy S3 handset. It might not have matched Apple on numbers, but Samsung certainly managed to outdo its rival when it came to treating its fans well.

 During the two hours that we queued outside the Samsung store, we were given ice cream, cupcakes, a personal magic show and even champagne and canapés, so we didn't much mind the wait. Check back later this week for our Samsung Galaxy S3 review.
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