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Japanese Car Named “Lowest Roadworthy Car in the World”

Written By samizares on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 | Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The Japanese have come up with a car which has been titled and certified by the Guiness World Records as the “Lowest Roadworthy Car in the World”. Christened the Mirai, the car was developed by a High School class in Japan.

Mirai is the handiwork of the students and teachers at the Okayama Sanyo High School in Asakuchi, Japan. The single-seater hugs the tarmac with the highest point on the car being as low as 45.2 cms which is 6 cms less than the Flatmobile, the previous record holder. 

The Flatmobile was a far outrageous concept by all standards. Being jet-powered and with a top speed of 100mph, the Batmobile replica crafted by Britain’s Perrywinkle Customs, will certainly leave the battery-powered Mirai behind in a trail of dust.

Still the effort taken by these chaps in Japan deserve to be applauded. The driving unit comes from a “Q-car”, produced by CQ motors while the switching console is borrowed from a motorbike.

 The chassis, body, suspension, steering system, lights, seat and all other parts were crafted in-house at the High School. The power for driving the motors is sourced from six main batteries.

Harada Kazunari, Principal at Okayama Sanyo High School, says, “It can be frightening to drive MIRAI on a big street, especially when the speed goes over 40km/h because the road is very close to the driver’s eye point. Also, you can feel afraid that you will be run over by other cars. So, we make it a rule, when we drive MIRAI on a busy street, to place a leading car to the front of MIRAI, and a guarding car in the rear.“ Interestingly enough, the Mirai lends the phrase “hitting an all-time low” with an all new meaning.
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