Samsung new S4 comes with a 1080 super AMOLED display.Over 2million pixels are aggregated into the screen that is about 5inches long diagonally.This attribute makes the display glow with a pixel density of 441ppi,which is a milestone and makes Apple's Retina Display look like a toy.During the unveiling of the S4 on March 14th, at Time square, USA, Samsung unveiled a new flagship phone with a cutting edge display.
If you did not understand the sophistication of the above paragraph,perhaps you would understand this one,the new S4 display panel does not make use of the standard RGB layout common on most displays,rather it uses the RGBG Pentile display whose subpixel have been tweaked.
From the above diagram,notice that in the standard RGB display, there is an equal amount of red,blue and green subpixels and the subpixels are the sam size.This is what we see in all LCD displays and the S2 Super AMOLED+ display.On the right,checkout the standard Pentile display where the pixel layout switches between red, green,blue and green resulting in 50% less red and sub pixels, thus saving space on the display and increasing efficiency because it maintains a higher number of more efficient subpixels.
This display enables Samsung to pack more useful subpixels in the same area by reducing the dead space between subpixels by increasing their geometric efficiency.
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