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Get Alerts When Someone Connects To Your WiFi Network

Written By samizares on Thursday, May 31, 2012 | Thursday, May 31, 2012

Security is one of the major concerns in the field of computing and there are numerous teams of brilliant engineers and technicians working around the world developing security solutions, anti-virus softwares and other security tool just to keep the computers safe.

 Some of the typical security hazards are data theft, identity theft, damage to computers and software because of viruses and worms. One of the weakest point in the whole system is the Wireless Internet which most of us use at homes and offices with or without password protection. First of all we suggest you to use a strong password protection on your wireless routers at home and offices to keep them safe from any attacks from hackers who might cling on to your WiFi network in your neighborhood and access data on your computer network.

Secondly, we will recommend you to use this tool called the Wireless Network Watcher by Nirsoft which I am going to review in this article. Even if someone cracks into the security of your WiFi network, your Wireless router or modem does not alert you as it assumes that if someone is joining the network, its normal, which is true in usual cases, but its better to have a system which alerts you whenever a new device is attached to your WiFi network so that you can see if that is an expected connection or some hacker or freeloader trying to consume your bandwidth! 

 The use of this tool is extremely easy, no clutter needed to use the software, just download and install it from the official website here. After you run the tool, it will automatically scan all the connected devices on your WiFi network and will show their IP addresses, MAC Addresses, and Device manufacturer and name of the device shared on the network, if you see something suspicious there, you can go to your Wifi Router and blacklist that MAC address to prevent it from accessing your network.

To get an alert whenever a new device latches on to your Wireless or WiFi network, simply click the options menu and click on “Beep On New Device” at alert you whenever a new device is attached to your network.
Note: If you have more than one Network cards on your computer or laptop, you may go to Options > Advanced settings and select the network adaptor which you want scan using the Wireless network watcher.
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